"I am fond of collecting saying, quotes, images, art or the like when I'm online. Thus I decided to create this blog to have them on good use for others to see. These came from different sources and thus do not own them for sure. Hope you'll enjoy your time here as you scan the pages, same as I enjoyed mine upon stumbling these."

Parents Do Grow Up Too

Love your parents

"Love your parents.
We are so busy growing up,
we often forget they are also growing old.."

(´・ω・`) this is sooo true... sometimes we tend to concentrate on the "i" part.. we tend to focus more on us growing up.. the new gadgets we need to have, the places we need to go to, the people we party with, the food wed like to eat, the movies we need to watch, the best selling books we need to get.. we tend to forget that it is not only us that is growing up..  that as we grow up, our parents are also getting old.. we forget that we need to spend time with them as much time we spend with our friends or even more.. we should not forget to spend time with them maybe watch television/movies, eat with them during dinner or lunch,  or even some little chitchats would be good... those little things do matter ^_^
go! and spend the day with your family now! :)